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Department of Journalisam & Mass Communication

 Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various media forms, from traditional print and broadcast to digital and social platforms. It equips students with skills in storytelling, media production, and ethical journalism. JMC professionals play a critical role in shaping public opinion, holding institutions accountable, and disseminating vital information. With the rapid evolution of technology, JMC continually adapts to new media landscapes, making it a dynamic and indispensable field in our information-driven society. JMC programs emphasize research, critical analysis, and practical experience through internships, preparing students for diverse career opportunities in media and communication.

  We Have Full-fledged Multi-media studio for the students to have and hands on training in Electronic Media. The department also provided with high and video Camera and Steel Camera, Tape Radio for providing necessary practical and Theoretical teaching to the students.


   To be a Centre of Excellence in Journalism and Mass Communication education and research.  To be the first choice destination in the country for the most innovative professional and academic journalism and media related training. To educate and train the next generation of diverse communication professionals to serve the media houses and industries with accurate information, leading edge research.  To Train the Journalists of Global standard, imbibed with high ethical standards, unimpeachable integrity and societal responsibilities.


  We believe our mission in this University is grounded in the fundamental rights of the Indian constitution which protects freedom of speech and freedom of thinking.
  We strive to educate ethical, socially responsible, well-rounded and fair minded Journalists and producers of visual and verbal messages. We prepare students for lifelong learning by teaching them to be active participants in society which can critically consume as well as produce reliable media content.
  We value and affirm diverse individual, cultural and intellectual perspectives in the search for a more complete understanding of the truth. We wish to treat people in our professional community with sensitivity, honesty and respect.
   We strive to be future oriented and keep abreast of new technologies pertinent to the production and consumption of news, anticipating and evaluating their uses and social impacts. In particular, the digitisation of news and information has posed both opportunities and challenges for news organisations and readers. We help our students to master these technologies through hands on practices and encourage them to make sense of the digital revolution through critical thinking.   We strive to attract and nurture a diverse and accomplished faculty who are given opportunities to remain fresh and grow in their teaching, scholarship and service. Our faculty strives for excellence in their respective fields as judged primarily by their peers.

  We Have Full-fledged Multi-media studio for the students to have and hands on training in Electronic Media. The department also provided with high and video Camera and Steel Camera, Tape Radio for providing necessary practical and Theoretical teaching to the students.

Dr.T V Sivanandan

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Dr.Sunita B. Patil. Ph.D

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Ms.Nirmala G Dore

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Mr.Ashok Patil

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